High performance e-commerce enabled website network: Bed and Breakfast Network
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High performance e-commerce enabled website network: Bed and Breakfast Network

The Bed and Breakfast Network (BNBN) is a global operation with sales in over 50 countries worldwide. We developed their network and maintain the operations of a large number of their servers.

Whilst BNBN have a large reach they are a small company whose directors are located around the world. We have been able to develop their systems without incurring any overheads. Their systems are almost completely automated. This mean that unencumbered with tedious people or process management their directors and managers can concentrate on Marketing their websites.

BNBN System Walkthrough

In order to best explain the BNBN please browse the following screens-shots which highlight the organisation's strengths.

Google Visibility  
Google Result

The primary purpose of the BNBN is to sell rooms in accommodation establishments.

This means the site needs to be heavily optimised for Google.

If you go to Google.co.uk and enter 'Bed and Breakfast' you will see our client first in the list. The same thing happens in Canada and South Africa - over time our client expects to cover most of the developed world.

This kind of free exposure to clients is immensely rewarding. The latest statistics show the BNBN receives upwards of 30,000 users per day onto its systems. A percentage of these will convert into Hotel bookings.

Search Engine Readability vs Usability  
Work Management System Booking In

The BNBN sites have been developed to be as readable as possible by Google.

This means that most of the site needs to consist of links through to the various pages about Hotel's in every city.

The net result is that the site does have a slightly cluttered appearance but this is trade-off between getting all those free users from Google and the loss of custom because the prospective booker gets confused by the site.

Compare other sites competing in the same market and you will see that they all employ similar Google-friendly/Less user-friendly tactics.

For a more User orientated design view look at 4phase.co.uk's example.


Global Market  
Work Management System Shop Floor

The BNBN is a network of interrelated sites with each country-specific site dealing with Accommodation in that country, with the bedandbreakfasts.net top level site displaying properties in all remaining countries.

This entails a network of servers geographically dispersed throughout the world which allows a fast response for the local market, higher Google position for results and less peak time downtime for the sites in their local timezone.

All their webservers are fault tolerant and can handle a very large number of requests per hour.

Ease of Searching  
Work Management System QA

BNBN were the first travel site to use Google Maps - they were fully rolled out when they were still in Beta.

The BNBN were quick to capitalise on this 'early-adopter' advantage and continue to benefit from this lead.

We are constantly on the lookout for new emerging technologies and will work with you to gain competitive advantage from the latest technologies.

Entering New Markets  
Work Management System Calendar and Management

The Internet has different market penetrations in different territories. The USA, Canada and UK are much further advanced for example than some European countries.

The BNBN have used us to capitalise on this and have entered several emerging markets in several languages around the world. We have used our network of translators to adapt their site into different languages.

This is good for future revenue and also insulates them to some degree from changes in the economic fortunes and currency fluctuations in the regions they operate.

Back End Systems  
Invoice and Staff Payments

A business as large as the BNBN's requires a great control over e.g. Customer data (CRM). We have continued to develop customised applications for the BNBN which facilitates their relationship management.

These systems include automatic email responses to hotelier queries, automatic content generation for marketing messages and in-depth statistical functions and reporting for their management.

The net effect of these developments is that few staff are required to do more work - this increase the organisation's profitability yet further.

Development Timeline

We have shown you some of the overall functions of the BNBN system - it is a complete system that covers all aspects of Online Hotelier marketing. We will continue to work with BNBN and have been commissioned to continue to rollout their sites in the coming year.

We have been working with then BNBN since they started operations in 2001.

The Bottom Line

A company implementing a system such as BNBN can expect to see a huge return on their investment.

We do not claim to be the cheapest developer - in fact far from it. Many 'webdesigners' will set up business and initially quote very low to get clients - but then they will always become frustrated, disillusioned and lose interest in a client that was not aware of the actual amount of work that does need to be done to succeed in business.

In order to determine how much a system like this will cost (using real life metrics glean from past, successful projects) please use our Online quotation system.

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